看书网 - 玄幻奇幻 - 我的黑道男友 - 第二部 第四十八章 参加拍卖会

第二部 第四十八章 参加拍卖会[第1页/共2页]


“Ladies and gentle of the final auction an item, its background is the world's largest dian” divided by the original weight 3106ct e, ”Cullinan” were divided into nine diamonds, the first tablets of precious stones is today's largest ”Star of Africa I”, weighs 530。2ct, set in the United Kingdom the right to battle on King。 Of a major called ”Star of Africa II”, weighs 317。4ct, is set below the crown of the British End we are going to auction, it is the world's third largest diamond, ”Star of Africa 3” weight for 304。1ct, the upset in the 800 rs, raise your hands once again on behalf of each of 50 rs。(先生们密斯们,现在拍卖本次拍卖品的最后一件物品,它的背景是天下上最大的钻石“库利南”原重3106ct所豆割而来的,“库利南”共豆割为九粒钻石,而第一粒也是当今最大的宝石“非洲之星I”,重量为530。2ct,镶在英国国王的权仗上。次大的一粒叫做“非洲之星II”,重量为317。4ct,现镶在英帝国王冠下方的正中,现在天我们要拍卖的,则是天下上第三大的钻石“非洲之星3”,重量为304。1ct,底价在8亿英镑,每举一次手增加5000万英镑。)”


“Auction started(竞拍开端。)”

