看书网 - 玄幻奇幻 - 殿下的单纯小丫头 - 新生舞会3





(某羽:请由我代表读者说说心声:天哪!说那么长干吗!拍告白啊!说重点! 心声说完,感谢!)




“well, then we welcome two shareholders shengsiteya aristocratic school: shang hao ink, shangguan would like hee。(好了,那么我们欢迎圣斯特亚贵族黉舍的两大股东:上官浩墨、上官谨熙。)”



“hello, we are st。 kostya aristocratic school shareholders, i believe we already know the rules of the school, i was told to call master, in addition to cher, called him to his highness。 now we announced the new party official start, please please please, new dressing, 10 minutes after the show began。

主持人;“ladies and gentlee to the new students at the elite schools prom shengsiteya(欢迎来圣斯特亚贵族黉舍停止的重生舞会)first of all, please allow me to introduce shengsiteya aristocratic school history。(起首,请答应我来先容一下圣斯特亚贵族黉舍的汗青。)shengsiteya elite schools already have hundreds of years of history, the school environment 。。。。。此处省略n万字。